Reliable Master Data in Seconds

Get unmatched measurement accuracy on apparel, parts, eaches & unboxed SKUs

Reliable Master Data in Seconds

Unmatched measurement accuracy on apparel, parts, eaches & unboxed SKUs

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Measurement Accuracy

+/- 1mm accuracy on every item measured. The Cubiscan 325 is the only solution available with that level of accuracy and precision. It uses infrared LEDs to get millimeter accuracy, something ultrasound and 3D camera sensing technology cannot achieve. 

Polybags & Soft Goods

Shape shifting items (like apparel & soft goods) are tough to measure, even on a dimensioner. The Cubiscan 325 has “filter” and “compression” modes to make measuring apparel more accurate. Filter out polybags and get compressed apparel heights to calculate accurate article counts in each package.

Product Cataloging

Take product photos of every item you measure. Store those photos with the item ID, dimensions, and weight. Product photos help pickers verify the items they pick, improving order accuracy and speeding up order fulfillment.


Measurement Accuracy

+/- 1mm accuracy on every item measured. The Cubiscan 325 is the only solution available with that level of accuracy and precision. It uses infrared LEDs to get millimeter accuracy, something ultrasound and 3D camera sensing technology cannot achieve. 

Polybags & Soft Goods ​

Shape shifting items (like apparel & soft goods) are tough to measure, even on a dimensioner. The Cubiscan 325 has “filter” and “compression” modes to make measuring apparel simple and accurate. Filter out polybags and get compressed apparel height measurements, so your data provides accurate counts for the number of articles you can fit in a container.


Some products nest into each other. Think red solo cups. When measuring a cup, it’s impossible to know how many you can nest and still fit in a given box. Not anymore. The Cubiscan 325 combined with our Qbit-DB software allows you to dimension and package nested products with confidence.


Fool-Proof & Fast Fulfillment

Eliminate decisions and guesswork in fulfillment. When your WMS and order management software are full of accurate product data, your packers know which box to pick, how much bubble wrap to use, and how to arrange products to pack orders efficiently. Why’s that matter? Faster fulfillment, consistently hitting production goals, and fewer operator mistakes.

Ship Product, Not Air

Decrease your parcel shipping spend by reducing the cubic volume of your packages. Smaller packages cost less to ship. Why? Smaller boxes=less corrugate, less packing material, and less fuel to move the same amount of goods. Not to mention, decreasing a package’s dimensional weight can drastically cut your actual shipping cost. Precisely packaged goods also create a positive unboxing experience for the end customer. 

Organize Your Warehouse

Utilize the space you already have. Collecting accurate item data in receiving lets you slot and organize your facility efficiently. Turnkey warehouse space can run between $55-$70/sq ft. A Cubiscan 325 helps optimize the cubic utilization in your warehouse. If you’re an e-com 3PL charging on cubic sq ft., you can also ensure you’re charging customers correct prices, rather than relying on the dimensional data they provide. 



  • 15 fewer seconds to pack an order
  • Reduce shipping costs by 15%


  • Efficient load planning
  • 14% fewer trailers sent out


  • 13 cents of cardboard saved per carton
  • 14% less filler used per carton

Indirect costs

  • Fewer trucks on the road=fuel cost savings
  • Manage scope 3 emissions


An ecom-focused department store placed two Cubiscan 325s in their receiving area and used Paccurate (packing intelligence platform) to drive packing and packaging decisions.

It allowed them to save $6.7MM annually.

But they wanted to go deeper, and understand what would happen if they incentivized workers on data quality, as opposed to just throughput.


They asked the dimensioning team to take an extra 10 seconds to flag soft goods to indicate compressibility and foldability. Adding the flag allowed them to save, every day at a single location:

  • A whole trailer
  • $3,750 in cardboard and dunnage
  • $3,000 in shipping costs

That’s an additional $1.7MM saved per year, just by flagging 10% of shippable items as being “soft.”


All Cubiscan products are built from industrial-grade materials. We expect our Cubiscan 325 dimensioners to last for as long as possible, while parts and technology are not obsolete. Several of our dimensioners are still functional in the field after 10, 15, and even 25+ years with minimal service.

The glass is strong tempered glass. Well over 2,000 Cubiscan 325s are currently in operation, and not a single customer has ever broken the glass. Deep or large scratches in the glass can cause inaccurate dimensions, so we recommend placing items on the glass instead of sliding them.

Based on customer time-studies, the Cubiscan 325 can do about 450 item scans over an 8-hour shift (55ish an hour). That number factors in breaks, shift changes, and some items taking additional time to dimension. It also assumes that the Cubiscan 325 remains in one location and the items to be measured are brought to the unit and are ready to measure.

The most common method to push your data is a flat file such as a .txt or .csv. A one-time mapping process is required to select the fields within your WMS or ERP where you would like the data to populate. You also determine the frequency of how often you want the data to push. Once that process is done, the data will push automatically based on the schedule you determined. Other options include ODBC and json to push the product data directly into your WMS or ERP.

The Cubiscan 325 can measure an item up to 36”L x 24”W x 24”H and 50 lbs. Any item that exceeds those dimensions will cause a measurement error. The dimensioner will not support any items weighing more than 50 lbs. Heavier items will cause the glass to bow, leading to inaccurate dimensions. 

Collecting accurate dimensions (down to 1mm) on complex shapes and products requires advanced measurement technologies and algorithms. The quality of data required for most master data applications requires a level of accuracy that ultrasonic sensors and 3D cameras can’t provide. Those technologies work great for coarse measurements, but can’t compete on accuracy with infrared LEDs. In short, more accurate product data requires more expensive technology to collect.

Stop Relying on Inaccurate Master Data